Golden monkeys are golden fur-covered monkeys which are a subspecies of the blue monkey’s endemic to the Virunga ranges shared between the 3 countries. these countries include Uganda, Rwanda, and the Democratic Republic of Congo. Before any golden monkey safari, knowing these 7-golden monkey facts about magnificent endangered species would be very helpful. this will surely come in handy. Here are a few facts to know about golden monkeys.

The Habitat and lifestyle-7-golden monkey facts

Golden monkeys are endemic to the Virunga ranges therefore can only be found in the Albertine rift. This is more so in the Virunga ranges in the different national parks such as Volcanoes National Park in Rwanda, Mgahinga National Park in Uganda, Virunga National Park and Kahuzi Biega National Park in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Though, the golden monkeys in Kahuzi Biega are not yet open to tourists.

Golden monkeys live in different groups depending on the elevation of the landscape. The higher the elevation in which food is found the smaller the family. Golden monkeys love feeding on bamboo shoots therefore they distribute in areas where food is found. They also build their sleeping sites on top of bamboo shoots and sleep in groups of about 4 individuals.

Physical appearance-7-golden monkey facts

7-golden monkey factsGolden monkeys are strikingly beautiful with their golden-coated fur which is very attractive. Both male and female golden monkeys have golden and black fur on their bodies. Though, they can be differentiated from the shed of gold of the fur. Males have dark gold and black coating fur while the females have slightly pale and lighter golden fur than the males. Male golden monkeys have a size range of between 48 and 67 centimeters. While the females range from 46 to 53 centimeters thus are always slightly smaller than the males.

Male golden monkeys weigh about 4.5 to 7 kilograms and the female weigh between 3.5 to 4.5 kilograms.

Behavior-7-golden monkey facts

Golden monkeys have such an enchanting behavior. Unlike gorillas, golden monkeys sleep in the same nest they had slept in the night before after a full day of feeding. It doesn’t matter even if they have traveled a long distance in search of fruits and bamboo. These golden monkeys communicate by use of visual expression and numerous vocalizations. Vocalization is used by males during confrontations or when defending their territories.


Golden monkeys exhibit a polygamous way of life where a dominant male in the group has all the rights to mate with any adult female in the group. This mating is usually initiated by the females. Unlike other primates, golden monkeys have a distinct season for breeding limiting their population increase. Female golden monkeys have a gestation period of 6 months after which a young one is produced with an already fur-covered body, and they do every 2 years. These golden monkeys that are born can live up to the age of 19 years.

Diet-7-golden monkey facts

Just like gorillas, golden monkeys are also herbivorous and feed on bamboo trees, shoots, shrubs, branches as well as flowers. In some cases, they can supplement their diet by eating invertebrates like termites, snails, and pupae of butterflies, moths, and skippers found on leaves. These golden monkeys mainly feed on the bamboo. When fruits are scarce but during the season when the fruits are readily available. Golden monkeys will choose to feed on fruits.

Social structure

Golden monkeys are found in different groups of numerous members headed by a dominant adult male. The male has a right to mate with all the different adult females in this group. This dominant male is usually the overall seer of the group and protects the group from harm. These groups usually consist of about 30 to 80 individuals. Each group of golden monkeys has more females than males

Trekking-7-golden monkey facts

To have this experience of golden monkeys in their habitat, one needs to book a golden monkey trekking permit for one of the following destinations. Mgahinga Gorilla National Park at 60 USD per person for foreign nonresidents, 50 USD for foreign residents, and UGX 40,000 for East African citizens. Volcanoes National Park at 100 USD per person for foreign nonresidents, 60 USD for foreign residents as well as East African citizens. In case you would love to spend more time with these magnificent creatures, a golden monkey habituation permit to Mgahinga Gorilla National Park (where silver meets gold) is highly recommended. This goes for 100 USD for foreign nonresidents, 80USD for foreign residents, and UGX 100,000 for East African citizens.

At vacation-safaris we can arrange for you a golden monkey safari to enable you have a once in lifetime experience.


Like the famous mountain gorillas which is the most visited primate in East Africa, Golden also find their home in Virunga range that is shared by Rwanda, Uganda and Democratic Republic of Congo, like most primate, golden monkey is also herbivores, living in a large social group led by the male golden monkey. You can book your permit to come and enjoy have a breathtaking view of these unique creatures.

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