Planning for an exclusive Tanzania safari guide is an exciting endeavor that requires careful consideration. Pay attention to detail to ensure that no disappointment stands in your way for a memorable adventure. From choosing a right travel company, picking a favorable itinerary that marches your budget and your adventure. You need to determine the right time to travel to this special African country. We have come up with a step-by-step guide to guide on what to do as you are planning your exclusive Tanzania safari.

Step 1: Research and Destination Selection – exclusive Tanzania safari guide


Elephant at Katavi - exclusive Tanzania safari guide

Elephant at Katavi National Park

Tanzania, a nation blessed with a various tourist destination with various activities like primate trekking, game drive and beach holidays. With national parks like iconic Serengeti National Park, the Ngorongoro Crater, Tarangire National Park, and many others.

Consider the activities you are interested in, your safari budget, the time of travel and your destination before making a final decision on where you will be travelling to on you exclusive Tanzania safari.

Step 2: Choose a Reputable Tour Operator – exclusive Tanzania safari guide

Another crucial step is determining your tour operator since he is the one who is to provide all the knowledge as you are traversing Tanzania. Read through the company review from online platforms like TripAdvisor, where possible seek friend advice on which is suitable to transport you during your visit in Tanzania.

Important factors to consider include, knowing the quality of accommodation provided, the well-being of the car to be used during the journey, the experience of the guides and drivers of the company and the customer care provided by the tour operator company.

Step 3: Determine Your Safari Itinerary – exclusive Tanzania safari guide

Kilimanjaro, Kilimanjaro National Park

Kilimanjaro, Kilimanjaro National Park

Together with your chosen tour operator come up with the itinerary that meet you time and budget. Let the itinerary specify the time of your travel, the time allocation of each activity the place to be visited and the date when those visits will happen

Furthermore, the itinerary should also show the inclusion list and the exclusion list on the package provided. In case of any extra activities required, they should also be indicated and allocated time when they will happen. While designing your itinerary keep in mind the time of your flights in that you never miss out on one.

Step 4: Arrange Accommodations and Transportation – exclusive Tanzania safari guide

Now that we have our itinerary ready, let us look at the accommodation requirement. Tanzania offers a variety of accommodation options. From luxury five-star hotel/ lodges to budget lodges and camps. Make your choice of accommodation basing on the location of your destination and the quality of the accommodation. All this without forgetting the budget you have allocated to the accommodation.

Step 5: Prepare for Your Safari Adventure

Birds at Lake Manyara National Park

Birds at Lake Manyara National Park

As you are getting closer to your safari, start preparing to come along with, prepare light clothes, mosquito revelers as mosquitoes are still a challenge in Tanzania, prepare your visas, carryout any necessary vaccination. Check in with your tour operator to ensure that everything is in order.

Learn about the animal you are likely to meet. Start to familiarize with how you will need to react when you encounter them. Know what to do in case they try to charge while you are with them. Importantly, get to know about the weather season in which you are going to travel.


With the exclusive Tanzania safari guide, you can rest assured, knowing that your exclusive Tanzania safari is well organized, and everything will go as planned without facing any surprises while on your once in a lifetime experience in Tanzania.