A singular and exciting trip, gorilla trekking in Rwanda presents an unmatched chance to see some of the most threatened and endangered species on Earth in their native habitat. For both adventure seekers and animal lovers, this experience which is mostly provided at Volcanoes National Park is a bucket-list item. Covering all from permits and travel logistics to advice for a successful trip, this comprehensive guide on booking your gorilla trekking expedition in Rwanda addresses all.

Carrying out Gorilla Trekking in Rwanda

Hiking across Volcanoes National Park’s deep forests to see mountain gorillas in their native habitat is known as gorilla trekking. Several habituated gorilla families inhabit from the park; these animals are used to human presence, hence visitors may get intimate interactions with these amazing animals.

Why Gorilla Trekking in Rwanda

gorilla trekking in Rwanda

gorilla trekking in Rwanda

The Democratic Republic of Congo and Uganda are the other two nations aside from Rwanda where mountain gorillas can be found in the wild. But the distance from Rwanda capital, Kigali to the park is shorter compared to the other two destination hence making trekking from Rwanda more convenient

Complete Guide on Booking Gorilla Trekking in Rwanda

Research and decide on the ideal visiting date.

Though year-round gorilla trekking in Rwanda is possible, the optimum times to visit are during the dry seasons, mid-December to early February and June to September. The paths are less muddy, and the walking conditions are better at these times of the year. However, this comes with permit scarcity which will require you to book early

High Against Low Season of Gorilla Trekking in Rwanda:

High Season runs June through September and December through Feb.

June through September and December through Feb. This time corresponds with the lengthy dry season, which provides ideal trekking conditions but also generates most demand for gorilla permits.

Low season runs from March to May and October to November.

These are the month with rain. Muddy conditions make trekking more difficult, although permits are easy to get and discounted.

Valuate Your Gorilla Trekking in Rwanda Permission

Value of the Permit

gorillas at Volcano National Park

gorillas at Volcano National Park

Your spot for the gorilla trek is only guaranteed by a required permit. You are advised to book your permit in advance more so in a busy season

Gorilla Trekking Permit Cost

USD 1,500 per person as of 2024 in Rwanda the charge. Supports community development surrounding the park and helps to conserve its resources.

How to get the permit?

Direct Purchase

By email or their website, you may purchase permits straight from the Rwanda Development Board (RDB).

Many travellers would rather book through a licenced tour operator, who can manage all the practicalities including permit acquisition, lodging, and transportation. Often the most practical choice is vacation-safaris.

schedule your itinerary.

infant gorilla in Rwanda

Gorilla Wisdom in its natural habitat in the wild

Stay in the Volcanoes National Park region at least two to three days. This lets you tour other attractions and provides some buffer time should any delays arise.

Apart from gorilla walking, Volcanoes National Park presents various pursuits include golden monkey tracking, Mount Bisoke mountaineering, and visiting the Dian Fossey Tomb.

Choose Your Hotel

Luxury hotels to mid-range hotels and cheap guesthouses are among the several types of lodging available.

Suggested residences:


Bisate Lodge, Virunga Lodge, Sabyinyo Silverback Lodge.

Middle range

Mountain Gorilla View Lodge, Le Bambou Gorilla Lodge.


Muhabura Hotel’s Kinigi Guest House

You are advised to pick a lodge near Park Entrance to cut daily travel time on your trip and transportation costs

plan your transportation.

Arriving for gorilla trekking in Rwanda

Flight into Kigali International Airport

From Kigali to Volcanoes National Park

The drive to the park runs two to three hours. Our drivers will be there to support you in case need arises

Get ready for the Trek

Gorilla trekking can be demanding and calls for a decent degree of fitness. Get ready via consistent cardio and hiking trips.

Packing List for gorilla trekking in Rwanda

Long-sleeved shirts, long pants, waterproof jacket, and robust hiking boots make up your wardrobe.

Walking stick, often given by guides, gloves, hat, sunscreen, insect repellent, and a decent quality camera.


a little rucksack, food, and enough water.

On the Day of gorilla trekking in Rwanda

Arriving at the park headquarters by 7:00 AM, brief the attendees. Here you will meet your guide and be allocated to a gorilla family group.

Based on the gorilla location, Trekking can last one to eight hours. Leading the way are guides and trackers that guarantee safety and offer details on the flora and animals.

Once you locate the gorillas, you have one hour to watch and shoot pictures of them. Follow the directions of the guides, keep at least 7 meters apart, and prevent quick motions.

Activities Following Trek

Certificate: As a keepsake of your trip, you will get a certificate.

Retrace your steps to your resort to unwind and tell other hikers about your adventures.

Advice on a Perfect Gorilla Trekking in Rwanda Experience

Respect the Gorillas: Use the park officials’ advice and follow their rules. These covers keeping a safe distance, not generating loud noises, and avoiding eating or drinking close to the gorillas.

Health Alert: Human diseases can afflict mountain gorillas. Should you be sick, you should let the authorities know since you could not be permitted to hike.

Hiring a porter could enable you to transport your equipment. This not only lessens your load but also helps the nearby neighbourhood.

Photography: Capture the gorillas without upsetting them by means of a camera with a decent zoom lens. Flash shooting is forbidden.

Mountains’ unpredictable weather makes one ready for it. Get ready even for the dry season for rain.

Make sure your trip insurance covers medical evacuation and trekking activities.

In conclusion

If you schedule ahead and complete the required actions, booking a gorilla trekking experience in Rwanda is easy. Key elements to guarantee a great and unforgettable encounter include getting your permission, deciding when to visit, organizing your trip, and being ready for the walk. Along with helping to preserve these threatened species and the welfare of nearby communities, this once-in-a-lifetime encounter takes you close to one of the most amazing animals on planet. Whether you travel through a tour operator or plan on your own, the excitement of being a few meters away from a wild mountain gorilla is a memorable experience that justifies all the work and expenses of the trip.