Going for gorilla trekking or African safari in and adventure a lot of people all over the world dream of. However, the timing of this trip is essential as Africa as a continent still suffer from low infrastructure development. This always make safaris done during rainy season a bit more challenging. That said, during rainy season there tend to be a low demand for permits in case of gorillas and accommodation demand also reduces which makes it more accessible. Surely African safari or gorilla trekking can be done though out the year, but you will need to plan accordingly. As each season come with its own challenges. Here let us look at factors that might affect your African safari.

Weather Conditions on African safari

During rainy season rain can fall at any time. Given our low developed weather monitoring system, you are likely to face some challenge with rain if you in its season. So, make sure to come with the rainy court if you are to travel during that time of the year.

Muddy and Flooded Roads

Roads during rainy season - African vacation

Roads during rainy season – African vacation

As earlier said, with poor infrastructure that characterize Africa, during rainy season roads tend to be muddy and some even impassable. If you are planning to take your trip during rainy season, make sure that you use a stronger car that can withstand the challenge. 4*4 cars are recommended during that time.

Slippery Trails – African safari

For gorilla trekking, the steep, forested trails become particularly treacherous. The dense vegetation, combined with the wet and muddy conditions, makes hiking physically demanding and risky. To avoid sleeps and falls, if you are to come during rainy season remember to carry hiking boots. Also donโ€™t forget to carry enough water and energy giving food to encounter the physical demands.

Limited Visibility – African safari

Heavy rain can significantly reduce visibility, both when on a game drive and during gorilla treks. However, since the population will likely be low. The competition for encounter will be improved and you will have a chance to be much closer to the wildlife during your visit.

Wildlife Behavior

The behavior and movement patterns of wildlife are also influenced by the rainy season:

Dispersed Wildlife – African safari

Male lion on African safari

Male lion on African safari

Unlike in the dry season where animals tend to gather near water sources. During rainy season animals disperses and you will need more time if you are to see various types of animals, but bird viewing will significantly improve as for them they will moving closer to and running away from the dense forests

Breeding Season

While the rainy season is a time of abundance, with plenty of food and water, it is also the breeding season for many species. This will give you a chance to see the newborn. Also, the predators are likely to be more active which will mean you can meet those huge predators that characterize African wildlife.

Insect Proliferation – African safari

The rainy season brings a surge in the insect population, including mosquitoes, which can carry diseases such as malaria. Come with insect Repeller to avoid being attacked by insects like mosquitoes

Impact on Overall Experience

The combination of challenging weather, dispersed wildlife, and logistical difficulties inevitably impacts the overall experience of an African safari or gorilla trekking:

Reduced Wildlife Viewing Opportunities – African safari

With animals more dispersed and visibility reduced, the chances of witnessing the iconic wildlife moments, such as a lion hunt are diminished. The quality and quantity of wildlife sightings are often lower compared to the dry season. But still with few tourists you will meet enough animals

Photography Challenge

Photography is a major aspect of many safari and trekking experiences. The rainy season presents numerous challenges for photographers, from low light conditions and overcast skies to protecting equipment from the rain. Capturing clear, vibrant images becomes much more difficult, potentially resulting in less satisfying photographic memories.

Comfort and Enjoyment African safari

With all this these discomforts and challenges, the success of such a trip will remain with you forever as it will count as an achievement.


While the rainy season is not the ideal time for an African safari or gorilla trekking due to the challenging weather conditions, dispersed wildlife, and logistical difficulties, it does offer some unique advantages such as lush landscapes, fewer tourists, and lower prices. Depending on your budget and interest you can choose either to do you trip during rainy or dry season. Either way you will enjoy the experience,