Gorilla trekking in Rwanda offers a unique wildlife experience. It attracts thousands of tourists annually across the global. However, the prices to participate in this adventure is slightly high of recent. With the permit goes for 1,500 USD. The high cost of these permits is determined by several factors. These include conservation efforts, the unique nature of the experience, limited availability, economic benefits for local communities, and logistical considerations. This article will give you a detailed explanation for the cause of these prices.

Conservation Efforts and Protection of Gorillas during Gorilla trekking

A numbery of conservation program have been put in place by Rwanda government with the aim of protecting the endangered Mountain gorilla. With the approximation of less than 1,000 gorillas still in existence all over the world. The government and UNESCO have come up to protect these creatures, but funds are needed to bring these programs to life hence high prices of Gorilla permit.

These programs include anti-poaching patrols, veterinary care, habitat restoration, and research initiatives. For instance, Rwanda Development Board (RDB) together with Non-Government Organizations (NgOs) have worked tirelessly to ensure the wellbeing of gorillas and researching on the factors that can affect their existence.

Unique and Exclusive Experience from Gorilla trekking

Gorillas at Volcanoes National Park - Gorilla trekking

Gorillas at Volcanoes National Park – Gorilla trekking

Gorilla trekking is like no other tourist activity, it offers you a unique experience that cannot be related to any other wildlife safari. This adventure is so moving and touching. Therefore, it will give you once-in-life experience.

There remain few places in the world where you can see gorillas. Rwanda, Uganda and Democratic Republic of Congo are the main destinations for the gorilla trekkers. Given the strategic location and good political environment. Add on easy accessibility of gorillas in Rwanda compared to the other two countries, this gives Rwanda a slight advantage to charge a slightly higher prices compare to the other two countries.

Limited Availability and Controlled Tourism of gorilla trekking

To protect gorillas, minimizing stress caused to them by visitors and protecting their habitants. Gorilla permits are strictly monitored and very few permits are available per day with less than 100 permits issued per day. Combine this with the high demand of gorilla permits from tourists. From the law of demand and supply then the price of gorillas increases to manage the demand as supply cannot be increased as of now.

Economic Benefits for Local Communities

The fund from the permits is always channeled back to the community through community development. They are used to construct schools, hospitals and roads.

By doing so, the government makes the people from the community to feel the importance of reserving the gorilla as they their impact to their livelihood. These funds also help on poverty elevation in the commune and contribute to infrastructure development.

Logistical Considerations and Infrastructure of gorilla trekking venue

The logistics of organizing and maintaining a high-quality gorilla trekking experience are complex and costly. This include but not limited to skilling of people like guides that will support the trekker during the trekking experience. Training of trackers and veterinary to ensure the wellbeing of the gorillas and the safety of the tourists

Government Policy and Tourism Strategy

gorilla trekking

Old female Gorilla

The government policy in Rwanda is to ensure that there is few tourists but willing to spend more rather than having more budget tourist. Budget tourist increases the stress to the ecosystem as they tend to be more but with less economical value. However high value tourists will bring less traffic with high economical value.

By setting a high price for gorilla trekking permits, the government ensures that the tourism sector generates substantial revenue while minimizing the ecological footprint. This approach aligns with Rwanda’s broader vision of promoting sustainable and eco-friendly tourism practices. The revenue generated from high-value tourism can then be reinvested into conservation efforts. This enhances the protection of the gorillas and their habitat.

Marketing and Global Appeal of gorilla trekking

The country has invested heavily in tourism through partnering with global brand like arsenal football club in England and PSG football club in France with the aim of boosting her tourism and gorilla trekking is the cornerstone of this marketing strategy.

The global appeal of gorilla trekking in Rwanda is also bolstered by the country’s overall tourism infrastructure. This includes luxury accommodations, well-developed transport networks, and other tourist attractions. This comprehensive tourism offering enhances the overall experience, making it more attractive to high-end tourists who can afford the steep permit prices.


In conclusion, the high cost of gorilla trekking permits in Rwanda can be attributed to a combination of factors. Including extensive conservation efforts, the unique and exclusive nature of the experience, limited availability of permits, economic benefits for local communities, logistical considerations, government policy, and effective marketing strategies. These factors collectively ensure that the mountain gorillas are protected. They also ensure that the tourism industry remains sustainable and beneficial for both wildlife and local communities.